In a deep frying pan, over medium heat, add the oil and let it warm up for about 30 seconds.
Add the garlic, stir to cover with the heated oil, and let it cook for 1 minute
Add the white wine, lemon juice, and concentrated bouillon. Stir, bring to a boil, and then simmer until liquid reduces by ⅓.
Add the partially cooked pasta, and continue to cook, stirring every so often to make sure all the pasta absorbs the hot liquid and continues to cook.
once the pasta is cooked and most of the liquid is gone, about 5 minutes, add the greens. if using fiddleheads, skip immediately to the next step. if using asparagus or frozen kale, continue to cook for another 2-3 minutes until the kale is completely heated through, or the asparagus is slightly tender.
Add the nutritional yeast and stir well to incorporate. Top with lemon zest, and/or optional walnuts or bakun.
Grab the recipe for Mushroom Bakun here.