Vegan-Friendly Halloween Treats



Vegan Halloween goodies are as close as your nearest grocery or dollar store. Read on for cheap and easy Halloween treat ideas.
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Spooky Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie

pumpkinspicesmoothie-recipe-blog Continue reading “Spooky Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie”

What’s Vegan In YYC? (10/24-11/01, 2016)


What’s Vegan in YYC? Check out this week’s curation of events and fundraisers after the jump.

Continue reading “What’s Vegan In YYC? (10/24-11/01, 2016)”

Cheesy Tomato Lentil Helper

Cheesy Tomato Lentil Helper Header

Continue reading “Cheesy Tomato Lentil Helper”

What’s Vegan in YYC? (10/17-10/23, 2016)

whats-vegan-yyc-1017-1023-2016titleWhat’s Vegan in YYC? Check out this week’s curation of news and events after the jump!

Continue reading “What’s Vegan in YYC? (10/17-10/23, 2016)”